After I decided to retire the man in the lab coat it dawned on me that I had made quite a few videos featuring that personae. Why not compile an album from those tracks and make them all available to commemorate the end of an era? So here is the result. All of the videos are viewable at my Vimeo site.
Tracks 8 and 9 were demos of Hollow Sun's Cognopshere instrument for Kontakt and Wolfgang Palm's PPG WaveGenerator app for iOS respectively.
Track 13 is one that was done for another project and was lost while backing up to an external drive. It recently resurfaced while I was looking for something else. I took this as a sign and included it here.
This is a 'pay what you want" download and I have several empty spots in the racks of my Command Center that are painfully aggravating my OCD so please consider helping out with a purchase. Or buying some of these raw sounds for your own use at my Pond 5 site.
Tracks 8 and 9 were demos of Hollow Sun's Cognopshere instrument for Kontakt and Wolfgang Palm's PPG WaveGenerator app for iOS respectively.
Track 13 is one that was done for another project and was lost while backing up to an external drive. It recently resurfaced while I was looking for something else. I took this as a sign and included it here.
This is a 'pay what you want" download and I have several empty spots in the racks of my Command Center that are painfully aggravating my OCD so please consider helping out with a purchase. Or buying some of these raw sounds for your own use at my Pond 5 site.