Well here it is. The first Atomic Shadow blog entry. Never thought I would do a blog because I do not believe that I am fascinating. If you expect people to read your drivel you should be required to be fascinating. Since there is no such requirement i will just go ahead anyway.
But I am going to post from time to time and I hope you drop by once in awhile and see what's new. I promise I am not going to write about what I had for lunch or things like that. Hopefully I will stay away from political rants and stick with Music, production, sound design and gear. And on the gear front I received a package from Brazil today. I have the first EMW-200 off of the assembly line. Paulo at Electronic Music Works was kind enough to let me pre-order the first unit for evaluation. If you have ever wondered what an Electro Comp 200 sounds like this is probably going to be your big chance. Especially when you consider that EML only made about 150-200 of them. Down at the EMW lab he has a nice vintage 200 so care was taken to get the sound and features as close as possible. I will have a more detailed review soon as well as a video on EweTube. So welcome to the lab. Feel free to look around but don't touch anything. Some of this stuff can be lethal
7/7/2012 11:09:20 am
Rod Love your Website! When you get a chance you should do a piece with the theam "Wind Walker" thats what Craig is now called.. "he who walks on the wind...!!" Your best Friend and Brother and your both my Brothers... Look forward to seeing you next week. Congradulations on your Website! Very Good! RanDeeRedWillow, Author "High Uinta Moon" and soon to be released "Skinwalkers Moon."
7/10/2012 10:50:33 am
Can you do some FM sounds to get that real EML vibe going? Is it Hz/V just like the original 200? What do you think of its sound compared to the original 200? Is the delay analog or digital and what do you think of it?
7/10/2012 10:52:03 am
Also it's actually closer to 500-1000 produced for the 200. These were in production for a long time and in many schools and universities. You have it mixed up with the precursor to the EML 101, the EML 100.
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April 2018
Atomic ShadowUses a bewildering variety of synthesizers, effects and vintage electronic testing instruments to generate sonic sculptures. A modern take on the early days of electronic music. Categories |