The EMW-200 is a recreation of the venerable ElectroComp EML-200, a rare synth to say the least. Only 150-200 of them were ever made, depending on your source, so let me say at the outset that I cannot speak to how much this little guy sounds like it's big brother. I have never laid eyes on on an EML-200. However the designer of the EMW-200 owns one and I think that he went to some pains to get them as close as possible, while making it an instrument that someone can afford to actually purchase.
The designer, and owner of Electronic Music Works is Paulo Sergio dos Santos. He and his company hail from Brazil and both are dedicated to building great sounding, affordable instruments.
From the top left there is a master oscillator with a five position range knob and frequency knob for fine tuning. It outputs simultaneous noise, sine, triangle and square waves. Next we have two saw oscillators with frequency and swing control inputs for modulating pitch. The next module is a delay unit, the only DSP used on the EMW-200, modeled after an analog delay. The Switch module can alternate an A and B signal at it's two outputs. The final modules on the top row are high pass and low pass filters.
The mixer section is very flexible with six inputs in two groups of three with pan control on the groups. Two mono outputs per side or two stereo summed outputs are available.
The final two modules are a dedicated ring modulator and the previously mentioned LFO.
To learn more about these modules I suggest downloading the original EMl manual here...
My Production figure of 150 to 200 EML-200s appears to be low. One comment at Vintage Synth placed it 500-1,000 but cited no source. Mark Vail's excellent book on Vintage Synthesizers places it around 400. Maybe we will never know the actual number, but whatever it is, they are quite rare. You see many more ARP 2600s coming up on Ebay than EML-200s.
Electronic Music Works does not yet show the unit on their website. Never fear. Just contact Paulo directly at [email protected] to make an order. I paid via payPal and was provided a tracking number that worked with the Postal Service in Brazil and plugged right in to the USPS system once it cleared customs in the US. Safe and secure.
Matrixsynth had some extra information about the updated electronics and scooped me on the upcoming EMW-300 companion controller. Read about it here...